Thursday, July 4, 2013

Dealing with a Break Up Without Breaking Dow

Because we invest so much intimacy into our romantic relationships, going through a breakup can seem on par with experiencing the death of a loved one or close friend. Often the most painful aspect is that we don’t really know what to think; there is a fluctuating mixture of hatred, love, pain, thoughts of revenge, acceptance, and then pain again, etc. We long to be embedded in the great moments again, wondering how we got from there to here and if we are capable of getting there again. Our minds may start to play tricks on us as we personalize everything in agonizing detail rather than looking at the situation realistically.
Realistically, people break up every day because the fact that we’re all different is what makes life so interesting. Realistically, there are several billion people in the world, and at least several thousand to choose from that you could find compatibility with. Turning inward with the irrational belief that there is one person for you is very unrealistic, and thankfully so.
Here are a few more important points to keep in mind as you work your way through the break up:
Don’t do yourself the disservice of wasting your mental energy and spiritual powers on petty thoughts of resentment, jealousy, hatred or revenge. At the same time, don’t deny that there is pain; just see it for what it is - a desire for warmth, a desire to feel inspired, and a desire to be in love with the world. Take the time you have to really realize that these states of mind do not require somebody else’s participation.

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